A Wake In The West – Spring 2013


The Playwestcross

The plot centers on the wake of Tom Healy, a man who was known to be ‘fond of a drop’. Tom’s controversial last request threatens to humiliate his family and make them the laughing stock of the small fishing village in which they live. “Not exactly an avid church-goer”, Tom’s dying wish flies in the face of traditional religious ceremony in 1970?s Ireland. The priest and doctor need to be consulted, as does Tom’s son Martin who is returning from New York for the funeral. His return is eagerly awaited by neighbour Joan who has held a candle for Martin since his departure to the States. When conniving old neighbour Rose calls to pay her respects, the mayhem really develops and her antics set in motion a sequence of hilarious events.

The Cast

Kate McNally as Rose
Tom Kearney as Martin
Peter Simon as Fr. Cassidy
Barney Farrelly as Barney
Dave (Dr. Dave) Branigan as Dr. John
Robert Fox as Tom Healey
Yvonne Ambrose as Margaret
Sabrina Mangan as Joan
Taryn McKenna as Mary
Larry Coughlin, Director
Glenna Hennessy, Asst. Director